

Top-25 Players in Elo Rating

Name Elo dElo
Paul McBeth 1890.0 7.9
Richard Wysocki 1888.5 3.2
Calvin Heimburg 1867.8 11.2
Gannon Buhr 1861.5 13.9
Chris Dickerson 1855.1 3.3
Kyle Klein 1852.8 8.3
Matthew Orum 1851.3 10.8
Joel Freeman 1840.2 8.3
James Conrad 1832.2 9.0
Kevin Jones 1831.2 3.2
Chris Clemons 1822.2 3.9
Eagle McMahon 1819.2 5.6
Simon Lizotte 1818.5 -7.0
Corey Ellis 1817.8 3.1
Bradley Williams 1814.0 6.5
Niklas Anttila 1812.6 19.0
Ezra Aderhold 1811.4 4.9
Isaac Robinson 1808.4 14.1
Alden Harris 1807.8 8.7
Nikko Locastro 1806.7 0.3
Andrew Marwede 1806.1 4.8
Andrew Presnell 1804.8 5.8
Adam Hammes 1804.5 2.3
Anthony Barela 1803.7 7.5
Väinö Mäkelä 1801.5 6.0


Bar Chart of Top-25 Players (float cursor over bars for more info)

Data Exploration


Plot of Top-25 Players Over Time (float cursor over line(s) for more info)

Win probabilities


Win probabilities for the next DGPT or Major event.

Players Win Prob (%) Elo
Paul McBeth 10.9 1890.0
Richard Wysocki 10.7 1888.5
Calvin Heimburg 7.7 1867.8
Gannon Buhr 6.9 1861.5
Kyle Klein 6.0 1852.8
Matthew Orum 5.8 1851.3
Joel Freeman 4.8 1840.2
James Conrad 4.1 1832.2
Kevin Jones 4.1 1831.2
Chris Clemons 3.4 1822.2
Eagle McMahon 3.3 1819.2
Simon Lizotte 3.2 1818.5
Corey Ellis 3.2 1817.8
Bradley Williams 3.0 1814.0
Ezra Aderhold 2.8 1811.4
Isaac Robinson 2.7 1808.4
Alden Harris 2.6 1807.8
Nikko Locastro 2.6 1806.7
Andrew Marwede 2.5 1806.1
Andrew Presnell 2.5 1804.8
Adam Hammes 2.5 1804.5
Anthony Barela 2.4 1803.7
Väinö Mäkelä 2.3 1801.5




These win probabilities are experimental. The probabilities are generated using a logistic regression and are based exclusively on player Elo rating. The better a rating the better the probability of winning an event.

Below is a plot of win probability by Elo rating. The probability follows a sigmoidal curve. FLoat cursor over points to see player name, rating, and win probability.

Top-25 (FPO)


Top-25 Players in Elo Rating

Name Elo dElo
Kristin Tattar 1873.6 9.7
Paige Pierce 1853.5 2.1
Catrina Allen 1844.1 12.8
Missy Gannon 1840.7 8.3
Ohn Scoggins 1827.4 3.2
Henna Blomroos 1826.1 13.4
Eveliina Salonen 1825.4 7.8
Sarah Hokom 1807.8 8.7
Valerie Mandujano 1801.7 -10.7
Ella Hansen 1794.5 7.4
Kat Mertsch 1789.1 4.3
Hailey King 1780.2 16.8
Macie Velediaz 1773.7 8.4
Natalie Ryan 1773.4 15.4
Holyn Handley 1767.8 15.9
Jessica Weese 1763.7 3.8
Jennifer Allen 1757.2 16.2
Lisa Fajkus 1752.5 -2.2
Madison Walker 1752.4 5.4
Alexis Mandujano 1752.3 5.9
Deann Carey 1750.7 2.5
Heidi Laine 1744.6 13.9
Rebecca Cox 1743.5 5.8
Maria Oliva 1742.7 1.5
Juliana Korver 1739.3 9.3


Bar Chart of Top-25 Players (float cursor over bars for more info)

Data Exploration (FPO)


Plot of Top-25 Players Over Time (float cursor over line(s) for more info)

Win probabilities (FPO)


Win probabilities for the next DGPT or Major event.

Players Win Prob (%) Elo
Catrina Allen 9.2 1844.1
Missy Gannon 8.8 1840.7
Ohn Scoggins 7.6 1827.4
Henna Blomroos 7.5 1826.1
Eveliina Salonen 7.5 1825.4
Sarah Hokom 6.1 1807.8
Valerie Mandujano 5.6 1801.7
Ella Hansen 5.1 1794.5
Kat Mertsch 4.8 1789.1
Hailey King 4.3 1780.2
Macie Velediaz 3.9 1773.7
Holyn Handley 3.6 1767.8
Jessica Weese 3.4 1763.7
Jennifer Allen 3.1 1757.2
Lisa Fajkus 2.9 1752.5
Madison Walker 2.9 1752.4
Alexis Mandujano 2.9 1752.3
Deann Carey 2.9 1750.7
Rebecca Cox 2.6 1743.5
Maria Oliva 2.6 1742.7
Juliana Korver 2.4 1739.3




These win probabilities are experimental. The probabilities are generated using a logistic regression and are based exclusively on player Elo rating. The better a rating the better the probability of winning an event.

Below is a plot of win probability by Elo rating. The probability follows a sigmoidal curve. FLoat cursor over points to see player name, rating, and win probability.


Elo Ratings were invented by Physicist Arpad Elo in the mid-twentieth century as a way to measure the relative skill of chess players. They are now used for a wide variety of sports (including esports).

Elo ratings were originally designed for measuring players of one-on-one sports. However, I have been working since ~2017 to modify the metric for disc golf (see this article for more details).

The two equations below, which I use for this metric, are pretty much the standard Elo equations. ES stands for expected score, S is actual score, and K is the k-factor, which is a multiplier for the amount a rating will change per round. I am currently using a k-factor of 20.

\[ Elo_i=Elo_{i-1}-K*MS*(S-ES)\] \[ES=\frac{1}{(10^{-(Elo_n-\overline{Elo})/400}+1)}\]

S is a standardardized actual score that varies between 1 (best score of the round) and 0 (worst score of the round).

MS (margin stabilizer) is an additional (and novel) multiplier that influences how much ratings change per round. However, unlike k-factor, which is the same for all players, the MS value is different for each player and based on how a player’s rating compares to the average rating of the field. If a player’s rating is low compared to the field, a very good round will cause their rating to go up a lot, but a bad round will not cause their rating to decrease. The opposite is true for players with high ratings. So it has the largest effect at the margins, hence the name.
